Rastaban Run Guide
  • By Zy
  • Rastaban Run Guide

    Rastaban Run 1

    The first Rastaban Run begins right when you start off the episode! You get plopped down out of a broken down train, and have the option to follow a guy into a cave to get to Telpele faster. You could entirely skip out on the Rastaban Run via doing this! So, recommended to follow him. The first fight is this person, right here! Something to note here as well, losing either of the first two fights puts you directly back at the train, and you’re unable to continue. So be careful.

    Once beaten, go to the right and jump down the ledges. Your next trainer fight will be here.

    Once beaten, jump down the two ledges from that, talk to the guy from the train, jump down the last ledge and go right. This is a double battle, fair warning, and you have to actually FIGHT them, not give them cash. 

    Once you beat them, you can head back towards the entrance of Telpele where you originally fought these two, There’s a Pokeball up on a ledge with your rewards.


    • T1 Rewards; Super Repel

    • T2 Rewards; Hyper Repel

    • T3 Rewards; Max Repel

    • T4 Rewards

      • If you have an Cosset Incense in your inventory; Max Repel, and Oval Charm

      • If you do not have a Cosset Incense in your inventory; Max Repel, and Cosset Incense


    That’s 1 run complete! Onto the next.

    Rastaban Run 2

    Note for the rest of these you WILL need the grappling hook you get from Ma’iq, so…. Yeah, go and talk to him first. I’ll tell you anything else you need to know for these runs as well.To start the next run, you’ll want to go back to the train station which is at the end of the tracks. To get there quickly, go into the cave that you can see in my last screenshot. From the train station, go down and to the right, then jump down the ledges at the first lamp post you see. Your first fight will be right there.

    Once beaten, jump down one set of ledges, then the next. Do NOT go down the third. You’ll want to go North-West, with this being your second fight.

    Once beaten, jump down the ledge on the left. You’ll want to follow it all the way South-West until you run into your final trainer. Your reward is just beyond that.


    • T1 Rewards; Rabuta Berry, Corn Berry, Magost Berry

    • T2 Rewards; Rabuta Berry (2), Corn Berry (2), Magost Berry (2)

    • T3 Rewards; Rabuta Berry (3), Corn Berry (3), Magost Berry (3)

    • T4 Rewards; Rabuta Berry, Corn Berry, Magost Berry, Sandacondite


    Next run!

    Rastaban Run 3

    Go back along the train tracks, and go back originally where the rock was blocking the path. Directly below where that is, go downwards and jump down the 3 ledges. Your first fight will be along the first path, hidden behind a tree.

    Once beaten, go down the ledges until you get to the house. Second fight!

    Once beaten, your last path is down a ledge south, and follow the path to your last fight. Your reward is in sight there.


    • T1 Rewards; Silver Bit

    • T2 Rewards; Silver Ore

    • T3 Rewards; Silver Ingot

    • T4 Rewards; Araquanid


    Next run!

    Rastaban Run 4

    Last two occur in the Rastaban Highlands. First, go back to the train tracks, and follow them until you can see these specific Rock Climb points, and go up the left one. Go up another Rock Climb area North from this. Once up, go right and up North again, to yet another Rock Climb area. Your first fight is here.Go upwards AGAIN, and go through another Rock Climb area. Go left from the exit of it, down a ledge and up the Rock Climb area to the left. Your second fight is here once you go North-West.

    Once beaten, go down three ledges directly below him, and your final fight will be here.

    Once beaten, go down the two ledges and to the right, and you’ll find your rewards.


    • T1 Rewards; Steel Memory, Ghost Memory

    • T2 Rewards; Steel Memory (2), Ghost Memory (2)

    • T3 Rewards; Steel Memory (3), Ghost Memory (3)

    • T4 Rewards; Steel Memory, Ghost Memory, Dhelmise


    Last run!

    Rastaban Run 5

    This one I waited specifically until the very last, as it’s directly correlated to the story. You cannot start this run until you’ve started the task for the Red Vapors to hunt down Royale in the Rastaban (or until your Guild Wars variable is 7, for those looking through the game files). You’ll want to get to this specific point on the train tracks (far West), and there’ll be a guy in front of it you need to talk to, who will disappear afterwards. Take the Rock Climb upwards.

    Go North and then to the left, where you’ll meet your first opponent.

    Once beaten, go up the Rock Climb area. North-East this time, you’ll come across your second opponent.

    Once beaten, go up the Rock climb, then go up another one that’s to the North-West. Your final opponent is a Bishop!

    Your rewards are down the ledge on the right, then simply walked to and gotten.


    • T1 Rewards; Silver Bit

    • T2 Rewards; Silver Ore

    • T3 Rewards; Silver Ingot

    • T4 Rewards;

      • If Geo Relationship is 2 or greater, Master Belt

      • If Geo Relationship is 1 to -2, V-Drive

      • If Geo Relationship is 3 or less, Cloud Incense


    And that’s everything! Hopefully this was helpful to those who need it. Good luck!

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