Table of Contents
General Info
The save file is stored in a separate location to your game application
If renaming, it must be labelled “Game”
Locating Your Save File
1. Open File Explorer and navigate to “This PC”
2. Open the C drive (Screenshot above shows Bootcamp but yours will be labelled C:).
Navigate to → C:\Users\XX where XX is your windows username. You should see:
3. Click on “Saved Games”, you should see a “Pokemon Empire” folder
4. Select Pokemon Empire and open it. You should see your save file: Game.rxdata.
In Pokemon Empire, each time you save it will automatically generate a new save file. The maximum number of saves it will generate is 12. This doesn’t mean you cannot save more than 12 times. It will just keep 12 previous save files states.
Loading a different save file
In this example I will be loading my Calvera save file.
1. To do this, first rename the original Game.rxdata file to something else. In this example I will be naming it “Polaris” (The name can be anything)
2. To load the “In Calvera.rxdata” save. Rename the save file back to Game. IMPORTANT: If you don’t rename the save back to EXACTLY “Game”. The game will not recognise it and it will assume you have not played the game before: