Quick guide on how to get to each to location and back from the Telurite Mines
Note: these are not the only pathways to/from each location, just pathways that I found worked well.
From Enclave:
To Polaris: Down, Left, Down, Up, Down, Down, Right, Right
To Calvera: Up, Left, Down
To Powerplant Basement: Up, Up, Right, Right, Up
To Molten Core: Down, Left, Down, Up, Down, Left
To Secret Base: Up, Left, Up, Right, Right
To Egg room: Up, Left, Up, Down
To Enclave:
From Polaris: Up, Left, Left, Up, Left
From Calvera: Left, Down, Up, Left, Left, Up, Left
From Powerplant basement: Left, Left, Up, Left
From Molten Core: Up, Up, Down, Up, Left
From Secret Base: Up, Left, Left, Up, Left
After leaving Egg room: Down, Up, Left